iphone 4

I Should Probably be Working

As far as addictions go, I suppose being addicted to writing is not so bad.

Actually, its more than just writing. I love to create. I feel much more alive when I am creating. I feel semi-productive, even if it is in a very counter-productive sort of way. When I create something truly great, I get a high that can only be matched by a mixture of cocaine laced with angel dust (So my “research” has shown).

I don’t expect all of you to understand. You really cannot fully understand unless you yourself are creative. I mean really and truly creative. That rant you did on the iphone4 does not count, nor does your fangirl review of Twilight Eclipse.  There is no soul in that. No true meaning. (Am I sounding sufficiently condescending yet? Real artists are always condescending. Its the thought that we are better than the rest of you average folk that makes us better than the rest of you average folk.)

We all have our strengths and weaknesses. I know what mine are and I choose to let my strengths outshine my weaknesses. For example, I am a pretty terrible dancer. I used to let that mess with my head. Nowadays I just don’t give a fuck. My greatness is defined by things that transcend the dance floor. (Fuck all y’all dancin’ ass mofos.) 

Eat a dick Puffy.

Wouldn’t we all be better off if we were able to identify our strengths and play to them? I mean you may not be as smart, talented, or devilishly handsome as I am, but I bet you can kick my ass in Call of Duty (there are plenty of people who would be impressed with that!).  And you know what, even if you suck at life, find something that makes you happy and do that thing.

Still it is way better to be good at stuff.