I swear xanga sometimes you can be so damned predictable. You are like an episode of Scooby Doo or the plot to a Tyler Perry movie. Black people get into trouble but find god along the way and somehow everything turns out right. Sprinkle in some jokes and POOF, Tyler Perry movie.

Look I like you xanga. That is why I am gonna try to say this as nicely as possible…


All this drama over the past week is nothing more than high comedy. The fact that people actually get pissed about it just cracks me up. People are playing your emotions like fiddles and you just let it happen. So someone said some insensitive stuff on the internet. HOLY CRAP that has never happened before! Guess what? It always has and it always will happen. No amount of e-scolding will change that fact.

Xanga has been pretty entertaining lately if you ask me. If you have been too angry to enjoy it then frankly you are an idiot. Your anger is blinding you. I am able to see all of this BS for what it is because I have maintained perspective on all of this. Why the fuck should I be mad about what is going on here? I have real life things that are giving me enough stress as it is. Am I gonna let xanga drama add to my stress? I think not!

So here is my plea to all of you who do not possess the wisdom that comes with being me…


Sidenote 1 – Leave Krissy_Cole alone already. She is one of the coolest people on xanga. You have a problem with her than you can take it up with me. Here look I’ll even help you divert your anger this way;

Stay at home moms and people who were homeschooled can all eat a big bag of shit.

Yeah I said it. WHAT?!!!

Sidenote 2 – Why the hell is it that TheBigShowAtUD never has any drama. Does NO ONE dislike him? I’ll give someone a 1,000 eprop mini if they go over to his page and call him an asshole right now. Just say “Hey buddy, you’re an asshole!” and then run.

Sidenote 3 – Guys be nice to c_jamaica. She is just frustrated. I really don’t think she means any harm, she just lacks certain basic social skills needed to be able to talk to people.

Sidenote 4 – On second thought if anyone has any problems of any sort send your complaints to Dan. He deserves it more.

Sidenote 5 – I will say one thing about the Perez BS. I am sort of pissed that a few people told me not to do Xanga TV tonight because “Perez Hilton” is doing his tonight too. I am being bumped for this crap?!!! UNACCEpTABLE.

That is all. 



  1. Dude, do XTV if you so choose. I bet the Perez Hilton site will just have a “HAHA GOTCHA” blog in huge letters or something. BUT, I will go check. I just have to.

  2. Rec’d…and you should still do XangaTV anyway, because I’m pretty sure people would rather listen to you than that poser.

  3. Oh and one more thing. YOU better do XTV  šŸ™‚ Because you playing with barbie is funny. jkjk šŸ˜€

  4. You know what it is? Matty’s really good at dealing with people. He can manipulate his way out of ever taking the blame for anything. It’s a skill I want, dammit.

  5. C’mon Dave. No one with ANY amount of sense would ditch your XTV for a fake Perez. I mean, even if this guy is who he says he is… SO??  Why should anyone care? Aw man… I feel a vent post comin’ up. See how you provoke people?? LOL

  6. Breathe, Dave, breathe.First of all, BigShow is far too classy to involve himself in such nonsense. Secondly, anyone who believed or still believes Perez is on Xanga needs to turn off their computer, walk outside, and make some friends.

  7. And one other thing… that BigShow dude. I HATE that guy! I mean… he causes me nothing but grief!  If I ha…Oh, wait… you said go to HIS blog, right? Okay… be back later.

  8. HAHA.  Dave, plenty of people dislike me.  and you, jerk… you didn’t even tag me for this.  psh.@MyxlDove – that’s right.  if you have something to say to ME, say it to my BLOG!  c’mon, now.  what’s going on, here?@Kestryl – manipulate?!  hey… ok.  yeah, good word.  can’t argue with that. 

  9. 1. I am a proud stay at home mom who shops with hubby’s money, eats bon bons and i just gained 5 lbs! (no one likes a twig)  Sue me mother fucker! 2. I will not ease up pathetic people like c_jamaica. I call it like I see it fool3. I love you.

  10. @vanedave – Matter of fact – No. Im too busy staring at my computer screen…Be right back – the kids spilled milk while trying to cook some mac n cheese by themselves.You  Better find someone else to co – write tomorrow JACKASS!

  11. I rec’d this because you shouted at me in big, bold letters. I’m such a sheep.BigShow doesn’t get drama because he’s just a Zen master. He has blogging super powers.All the dramaz is boring me. Next pointless bitchfest, please. And this would have never happened if Dan were still alive.

  12. There is XTV?  Perez Hilton is pretty funny, my fiance is always reading his crap.  Anyway, WhoCares/10.

  13. @TheBigShowAtUD –  *nods*    I do.Me on the other hand let it all hang out and stands back to watch people throw darts.That way I can be a ‘victimized’ stay at home, fat home schooling mother, breeding ugly kids.Awww – so proud of me, they are writing posts about me now.x

  14. I thought the Perez fool was a fake anyway?Besides, who wants to watch that fool?Do your XTV! Hopefully I’ll be at my apartment soon enough to see it XD

  15. “Stay at home moms and people who were home schooled can all eat a big bag of shit.” I know you wanted to defend Krissy_Cole, but wouldn’t that a little bit rude to them? They do that as of their choice and we should respect that, despite our disagreements over those.TheBigShowAtUD is someone respectable. Of course no one will hate him over his respectablity. SInce that you don’t want Xanga to have drama, why bother someone is not hated?You are totally right on c_jamaica and perez_on_x thing, though, despite I’ll see his XTV over yours as he promised me something and I’m strict to it. Everyone has their own minds and skills so we should respect that, despite we should encourage courteousity.

  16. 1. i am homeschooled…2. bags of shits….eewwww3. REced cuz you are popular4. You crack me up…..5. nawww i enjoyed all this comedy of late.6. fuck perez, do  your XTV i prefer you.7.  NUMBA 1 FAN!!!! lol (that was weak)oh dave….=)

  17. lol- i agree. i spend a lot of time sitting back and laughing because people just get so serious about all of this. it’s like high school, except virtually. which makes it MORE pathetic. haha.except, i am a stay at home mom. so negative points for THAT comment.:)

  18. bah, I’ve been on xanga so briefly this days that I’ve missed all the drama!! The only thing I heard of was Dan rec’d Krissy Cole’s site…I didn’t even bother to go read it.I like your site though

  19. Hahahaha XD I dont see wherethefishlives getting into any drama really. ;o Krissy’s cool and I recommended because you are… popular. šŸ˜€ lol P:

  20. rofl.  And everyone loves us Matt’s.  Especially BigShow Matt.  We’re all matt, we’re all from ohio, we’re all fantastically awesome.  And the ladies flock after us.  Did I mention the ladies?  

  21. Drama. I missed it. I’ve been… away. Too bad, the drama is usually funny.And from a home-schooled kid, I’ll share my bowl with you. God, I just went to another blog and saw someone mentioning divorcees as though they are shit, now home schooled people, and stay at home moms. Every time I click a link I find out some aspect of my life means I am pathetic in some way.  fuck it. i guess it’s karma coming back on me for posting about men who are possibly bald under their hats, and the first person who reads the damn thing is a bald guy.  Kill me now.

  22. DId you forget your favorite smart ass woman was homeschooled?Ā Just wanted to throw that out there, Mr. Smooth.:PRec’d. Because I still love you.Ā 

  23. @vanedave – But that is the apparent situation, despite that the most respectable person in Xanga is eldives. In fact, I respect his courteousity the most, which you somewhat lack in this post.

  24. I haven’t really been around in days.  I have no clue what kind of stupid drama is going on this week.But yeah… do your own XTV.

  25. @Levanna – Well your mom would probably kick any school’s ass. I was just ruffling some feathers. I really have no opinion on the matter.@Murazrai – Look I don’t want to give you the wrong impression. Bigshow and I are friends. I am also friends with a lot of homeschooled people and alot of stay at home moms. I think anyone who knows me understands what I was trying to say in this post. Basically i was saying calm down.

  26. Gotta admit, Ill be watching Perez tonight, only because bigshow owes me plane tickets if it is him. I gots that shit in WRITING yo. I think your site makes my ghetto come out.

  27. @vanedave – Well, my interpretation is indeed get wrong this time. I know you don’t really meant that, it’s just that you are referring to those people who act rudely to Krissy_Cole over the post. But then, some people might get offended of what you’ve post up as they don’t realize the hidden meaning. Perhaps I’m from the east side of the Earth so I’m more careful on my “internet speech” than you.

  28. You’re right my mom’s school kicks ass. Just making sure you knew it. :PAnd yeah, if I can catch Perez’s I’ll make it happen. I just didn’t know that Mattlock was doing one too. I must’ve missed that memo.

  29. LOL!  I always know when Xanga drama has happened because someone posts something talking about the drama.  Then I just laugh hysterically at it!  Thanks for the laugh!!

  30. I’d rather watch you Dave on Xanga TV, even if Brad Pitt was doing one. I might have two windows open for that one honestly though! Perez Hilton on Xanga is just pointless to be true. He’d have a Myspace blog if he was going to do another blog besides his OWN.I know what you mean about the Krissy blog. People jumped on a high horse without even reading the first two comments. I always look at the first couple to see other’s opinions before I comment so I don’t look like a dumbass.

  31. Aw. Thanks. I love you. And, I will choose you on XTV over Perez–any day of the week. What time?I can’t go tell BigShow he’s an asshole. I vowed to take him by surprise. lol

  32. Sidenote 1 – Leave Krissy_Cole alone already. She is one of the coolest people on xanga. You have a problem with her than you can take it up with me. Here look I’ll even help you divert your anger this way;  Some people have HUGE CHILDREN stuck up “there” and not asian ones either…give them a break.. lol…they are jealous they can’t leave the compound of torture where they have to inhale margaritas every hour just to make it through the day!Stay at home moms and people who were homeschooled can all eat a big bag of shit. HEY. I was homeschooled…I will kick your socially more elite butthole.. and Levanna (who happens to be way cooler then you OR matt…combined….) will help me.. NOTE:see post on guns… Yeah I said it. WHAT?!!!  Sidenote 2 – Why the hell is it that TheBigShowAtUD never has any drama. Does NO ONE dislike him? I’ll give someone a 1,000 eprop mini if they go over to his page and call him an asshole right now. Just say “Hey buddy, you’re an asshole!” and then run.What is there to dislike, hm??? He’s a sexy beast… who is NEVER offensive…gosh darnit. I’ve been watching.. don’t worry.. I’m going to be the first to jump on it when he does ….Sidenote 3 – Guys be nice to c_jamaica. She is just frustrated. I really don’t think she means any harm, she just lacks certain basic social skills needed to be able to talk to people. Probably homeschooled, right?Sidenote 4 – On second thought if anyone has any problems of any sort send your complaints to Dan. He deserves it more.I really have nothing interesting to say about him….borrrrrrrrring lately.. worse then PH on Howard Stern. Sidenote 5 – I will say one thing about the Perez BS. I am sort of pissed that a few people told me not to do Xanga TV tonight because “Perez Hilton” is doing his tonight too. I am being bumped for this crap?!!! UNACCETABLE. No one cares. NO ONE!Thats all I have to say….

  33. LOL, and good for you for standing up for Krissy_Cole. I second that!No, I think everybody really does love the BigShowAtUD. But everybody loves you too!!!And I’d choose you on Xanga TV over that Perez guy ANY time!I confess, I’ve found most of the drama either astonishingly or just hilarious. I’m leaning towards hilarious at the moment!Great post, I’ll rec it LOL.

  34. I’m a stay at home mother and the closest thing to crap I will eat is chocolate.  I can’t believe Jediwa left because of drama, she’s weak.  My guess is that Jediwa is Perez.  C_Jamaica should be the one eating crap. 

  35. @vanedave – ok, so he was mean to that girl everyone is crying over. Why are people getting all up and offended? I know your blogpost is exactly about this but jeebus! There has always been mean people on the internet and their always will be! People need to get over it šŸ˜›

  36. @vanedave – Hahaha.  It would take a lot more than you telling me to eat a bag of shit to piss me off. LOL  However, IF this had come from someone who I didn’t understand, then I would probably be pissed. Good thing you’re you!

  37. that one bolded last line might be a bit more powerful if unacceptable wasn’t spelled “unaccetable.”  XDotherwise i agree… people like to get all angry over nothing and start drama like we’re fourth graders deciding who sits where at the lunch table.   I also just laugh a little whenever someone gets all puffed up and big about it and says things like”iiif yooou go after my xanga friend, we’re a community!   just try to go after one of us and we’ll all go and take you down!  we’re CLOSE!”like anyone is going to feel seriously threatened by a bunch of people who blog because they have too much time on their hands.

  38. I told Krissy she could take a breather on my site. I even gave her dessert before dinner. hehehe.  You know me Dave. I just yawn and click away.

  39. Funny how all of this was complete news to me. Don’t include the whole xanga community in this when there are  those out there who didn’t even know what was “going on”…Recommend this post? Na-uh, don’t think so. All whom you wrote about, as well as yourself, doesn’t need further recognition.

  40. I’m glad that someone on Xanga finds this whole 3-ring circus ordeal funny. And here I thought I was the only one who’s laughing (albeit on the inside). During these last few days, it became apparent that Xanga lost a major portion of its sense of humor. That’s just too bad. So what if you got bumped? You’ll bounce back because you’re popular.

  41. LOL.        That Perez guy had to tell me that he was famous for me to know that hewas. I thought he was the real Perez Hilton because I didn’t know thatPerez Hilton was a big deal. You, on the other hand, I’ve heard of.That makes you more important in my book. @mrsprosa – It’s a bit odd, but whenever some people are bitching at housewives on here, I always automatically assume that it’s like an unspoken rule that you’re just magically excluded from the bitching, or something like that. You’re just too pretty for us to go all pissy on your ass, so you get special priviledges. That, and you’re nice with mostly everyone on here, so I doubt that they mean you when they are complaining about housewives. And… I  have no idea why I felt the need to write this comment.

  42. @vanedaveĀ – Ok, sounds good. šŸ˜€ Expect a week or two before I message with need of your addy. And you better be careful of MrsProsa. She might be able to take you. šŸ˜›

  43. Ha. You swore at everyone. I do that but no one gives a fuck what i think on here even though I’ve been here for 6 years. Fuck the drama, i dont even care. Actually i stay away, I’ve not really seen any.

  44. i am not xanga predictable because i like to blog about video games and sports.i usually have a standing rule with a few exceptions: if a blog has the word ‘xanga’ or any variation in the title, i don’t read it.

  45. I don’t know what all the fuss you were making was about.. I just saw the many variations in font sizes…But anyways, the scooby doo comment caught my eye first! Just saying, I never found that show to be predictable!! kthxbai!

  46. But…but…but…drama is FUNNY AS HELL!!!!!Reason 1- the person starting the drama either was bored or has no lifeReason 2- there’s never any new material. it’s all people trying to come up with different variations of the same insultsReason 3- it’s just fucking hilarious!!!!!!i’ve got half a mind to start some drama somewhere just to get a good laugh. but i won’t because that’ll take too much effort.

  47. Ha. I never noticed you tagged me until I saw it in my e-mail inbox.This makes me laugh. Very entertaining indeed. Not that I would ever dare post something like this, but yes, I’d have to say I gotta hand it to you. I’m giving props on this one.However, I can’t resist…1. DearSnippie is just a sex-crazed person in need of a powerful orgasm. Probably never got one since DearSnippie’s always entertaining sex questions.2. Mrs. Prosa – She should be Mrs. Uptight. I would also not ease down on people who are too narrow-minded. I never started this fight. In fact SHE and the rest of those gang bangers club chose to SEE this as a fight even if what I was trying to say was completely different. 3. I do have social skills. No one can appreciate it because people don’t like to be given the brutal truth. They like their truths covered in chocolate coating. So, when the mere mention of any negative comment reaches their ears, they’d foam at the mouth and descend on you like a hungry wolf. I have social skills based on living in the real life and trying to uphold ideal values as well. I certainly don’t float in a cloud trying to please everybody because I might get scared that I will be blocked or mocked. Ha! Me? I am not scared. People who get scared of negative comments are those who have too much insecurity in their lives.4. Oh yes, please DEAL with it.

  48. Sidenote 4 – On second thought if anyone has any problems of any sort send your complaints to Dan. He deserves it more.”Is that the best jab you can do at Dan?  If I stalked you I could probably write something more enticing than that,,,,Anyway I don’t know anything about the other people but yeah maybe you have a “crush” on Krissy Cole it is not hard to do….

  49. Did I miss something?  Isn’t there always drama on Xanga?And Big Show has drama, it’s just covert.  Ninja drama.

  50. @vanedave – I do really love your actual posts, and I understand the compulsion to defend your friends. I was commenting less on this post as a whole and more on the comment in it that said the Xanga drama has been entertaining.

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